Sunday, November 25: Image #333

On the road back to DC. First day on the new job tomorrow.

Someone pointed out this arrow in the FedEx logo. Whether they intentionally designed it this way or not, I can't look at the logo without fixating on the arrow.

Saturday, November 24: Image #332

Friday, November 23: Image #331

Ginger, Juanita, Rocky, Ricky, Sampson, Eric, Lauren at the Outer Banks

Thursday, November 22: Image #330

Rocky eyes the Thanksgiving bird.

Wednesday, November 21: Image #329

Sunset at Hatteras Point--so many ships have sunk due to the treacherous shoals and shifting sandbars here that is has become known as the "Graveyards of the Atlantic".

Tuesday, November 20th: Image # 328

Ginger celebrates catching a 23 inch Red Drum. I'm trying to think of some witty comment about that outfit she has on, but words fail me. These insulated coveralls that Ricky gave her make her look square, like a human Sponge Bob Square Pants.

Monday,November 19: Image #326

We are spending the week in the Outer Banks. It's Eric's (Ginger's brother) 30th birthday, and they rented a house for the week just south of Cape Hatteras.

Sunday, November 18: Image #326

On the grounds of the National Navy Medical Center in Bethesda.

Saturday, November 17: Image #325

I left a day before the moving truck because I had class this weekend. The building that our classes are held is in adjacent to the's the view I had leaving class at 9:00 PM.

Friday, November 16: Image #324

Today was moving day. After two and a half years in Jacksonville, the movers came and carried away all our belongings. Currently, we do not have a place to live in DC....our stuff is going in storage until we find a place.
Enroute to DC, we are spending a week in the Outer Banks of NC.

Thursday, November 15: Image #323

Just like every other person who drives north (or south) on Interstate 95, I became obsessed with the billboards for South of the Border. Pedro must have a huge marketing budget.

Wednesday, November 14: Image #322

The Great Orange Hunter is enjoying her last few days in Florida, making sure the lizards know that she is still the Queen of the Backyard, even if she isn't around.

Tuesday, November 13: Image #321

Friday is our last day in Florida, and we have to say goodbye to some old friends, like this toaster we have had for at least ten years. We got it when we were in Texas, and although it has burst into flames several times over the last two years,it continually produces good toast. Despite my persuasive campaign to keep it, the toaster will not be making the trip to DC.

Monday, November 12: Image #320

Nothing says "Thanksgiving" like pumpkins and some kind of gourd.

Sunday, November 11: Image #319

Today was our last Sunday at Christ Church. We've been blessed by the great relationships we've made here.

Saturday, Novermber 10: Image #318

We planted most of the plants we had on the front porch in the backyard. This Coleus plant (of the genus Solenostemon) now has a happy home near the finished retaining wall.

Friday, November 9: Image #317

On Friday, two crews from our squadron returned after spending the better part of 3 months in Iraq. It was a happy day for lots of people.

Twitch greets his little Bella.

Tom & Jess

Thursday, November 8: Image #316

I like it. This might dovetail nicely with my new project for 2008, to be announced in the not-too-distant future.

Wednesday, November 7: Image #315

I passed this sign on the way to work. It reads, "LOST: Show Pig. $500 cash reward!"

In case you have seen the missing pig, the # is 303-6439.

Tuesday, November 6: Image #314

Two years after I started, and 8 days before I leave town, I finally finished the never-ending retaining wall project. Twenty pieces of sod finished the job, but I had to borrow the neighbor kid's wagon to haul it down to the backyard.

Monday, November 5: Image #313

Today begins my last full week in Jacksonville. If you are going to come visit, you better hurry.

Sunday, November 4: Image #312

Cat and mouse.

Saturday, November 3: Image #311

We saw the Blue Angels perform today at Jacksonville Beach. Blue Angel #1, Commander Kevin Mannix, leads the way.

Friday, November 2: Image #310

We have a 2nd fridge in our garage, and somehow, it came unplugged. It sat in the hot, sweltering Florida heat for at least a week, and when I opened it, this is what I saw. I don't think this watermelon can be saved. . .and I'm not sure what that orange thing is on top.

Thursday, November 1: Image #309

Goodbye DC. See you in a few weeks.

World War II Memorial in the foreground, with the Lincoln Memorial in the back.

It's the first day of November! Only 57 more images and I am done with this project!!

Wednesday, October 31: Image #307

We played tourist today, visiting several landmarks around DC. We visited one of the lesser-know monuments, the National Japanese-American Memorial to Patriotism During World War II. Many people are unaware of this, but in Feb 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which would ultimately lead to the forced removal and internment of over 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent to desolate internment camps throughout the western US (One of the biggest was Manzanar, at the base of the Sierra Nevada just north of Lone Pine, California.). This happened not as a result of any legal burden of proof, but because they came from a Japanese family.

In 1988, President Reagan passed legislation apologizing for governmental actions and recognizing significant contributions by Japanese-Americans to the war effort during WWII.

You can read more about this time period here:

Without making any political statements here, it is an understatement to say that this was a disappointing period in American history, and I'd encourage anyone to visit this memorial the next time you are in DC. It's on Louisiana Avenue between the Capital and Union Station.

Tuesday, October 30: Image #306

We spent the day in Baltimore. We had lunch with our good friends Phil and Brenda. They have a 2 year old, Jacob, and little Michael was born in May. He already had successful open heart surgery, and as seen by this look on his face, is doing very well.

We also saw our old friend Matt H. Matt worked with us for several years at Summit, and now works with Phil at Johns Hopkins University.

Monday, October 29: Image #305

You can find a little bit of everything in DC. Case in point, we emerged from a Metro station today to find these bluegrass boys picking out a tune.